Friday, July 29, 2011

much to do, much to do

We've been busy at the house this week.  Bought some spackle, paint, brushes, and fabric.  Our bedroom went from a grotesque 'beige' to a lovely dark dark gray.  I love it.  The trim will be white, and I will be making some curtains with yellow, gray, and white.  It will be swank city.  We've been talking more about our move west next year and I can't wait.  I want to go now but I know we need to stay so Greg can finish school.  So I am patient because a year isn't that long, and it will be well worth the wait.  Finally going back where I feel the best!  My mom and niece Olivia will be coming out in August and I cannot wait.  I miss them so.  It will be lovely to see them, and show them around our fun city.  Simon has developed a fear of thunderstorms, and Duncan has taken over Simon's room.  Simon is camping in our room until D gets accustomed to his new digs, and bam.  Simon has a fear of thunderstorms...wakes up screaming, crying.  It's fantastic.  That's about all.  Our garden is growing and growing; the sunflowers are taller than the deck.  I can't wait to see their beautiful blooms.
the bedroom, wall color.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

pyrex is love

I finally got around to taking photos of my Pyrex collection.  I have a rather eclectic collection, not too concerned about matching sets, or whatever, just what looks nice to me at the time.  Some people have quite the collections but I'm not like that.  Yet.  My love for Pyrex started as a child; my mom had (and still has, and still uses) a set of princess bowls, with the red chicken pattern on it.  I always thought they were so cool.  The older I get the more the graphics on the stuff seems even more modern, in a funky vintage way.  You might think I have a problem.  I probably do.  They're pretty.  So I don't mind.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


A quick blog, and then some more another time.  I work at a thrift shop that supports public school students in Ann Arbor.  I think I stay there for my sanity (break from the babies) and for all the goodies I can find.  People donate some really nice things.  Maybe my next post will be all about my obsession with Pyrex.  It's too late to get started on that tonight.  But on the subject of Pyrex, here are two new items I 'found' at work this week.

Old school sewing book.  Just what I need!  Now I can make my own patterns.  Learn new tricks.  Rock out with my.....sewing machine.

 I do love Pyrex.  Oh so much.  I've been looking for this circle pattern for a long time, and it was a steal at seventy five cents.  WHAT?!  Now you know why I stay at my job...well, and it's really nice to do something for others too.  I don't have benefits, other than my shopping discount.  I'll take it!  This is a website I love, all about Pyrex.

Aren't they a perfect pair? 

Friday, July 8, 2011

Happy, Happy Birthday to You...

No birthday for Greg is complete without cheesecake.  I kind of invented one yesterday with the ingredients on hand.  Introducing, NUTELLA CHEESECAKE!

I based this off a peanut butter cheesecake recipe I had found.  It came about because we have Nutella, but no peanut butter.  I know what you're thinking, what kind of a house, especially a vegetarian house, doesn't have peanut butter?  We ran out, and I haven't bought more.  Anyway, recipe follows.

For the crust
1 1/4 cup graham cracker crumbs (about one sleeve)(You can crush these up in a bag with a rolling pin)
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 stick butter, melted
Mix it all up, and press into a springform pan.  I have a 9 inch one that worked well.  Bake in your preheated 325 degree oven for about 10-12 minutes, just until it's set.

For the Nutella layer
1/2 cup Nutella.  I just used two gigantic spoonfulls.  I don't like measuring out things like peanut butter.
2/3 cup powdered sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar
Mix these all up with a fork.  It will be kind of crumbly.  That's ok.  It's what you want.  Make this layer while your base is cooking.  Then press onto the warm crust.   Also, save about a half cup of this mix to sprinkle on the top of your cheesecake before you cook it.

For the cream cheese layer
2 8-oz. packages of cream cheese, at room temperature
1 cup sugar
2 Tablespoons lemon juice, or juice from one squeezed lemon. 
2 teaspoons vanilla
1/4 cup milk
2 large eggs
 Blend these all together for about 5 minutes with your hand mixer.  Pour on top of the Nutella/crust in the pan.  Bake for about 45-50 minutes at 350 degrees.  Mine was done when it wasn't jiggly on top.  Pull out of the oven, cool on the stovetop for about an hour, then chill in the refrigerator, probably best overnight.  I also covered mine with plastic wrap.  ENJOY!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

And The Winner Is...

Snow Pixie Hat!! (next project, I mean)

Coming soon on the head of dear gentleman Duncan and sweet and sassy Simon!  They will have a collection.  Send me your babies' head sizes, and I'll make them one too.  That's a strange request.  But I will!

Seriously, how cute is this hat?

ps.  that is not one of my babies

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

On The Front Burner

Feels like all my projects as of late have been about something else.  First it was a yard sale, then Duncan's Birthday celebration.  Now, there is a little lull, some down time, and I can maybe focus on my own projects that keep mounting but I keep ignoring for other things.  Time to look and see what I've 'saved'
Cool produce bags using old tee shirts.  Easy Beasy.

Signs have always intrigued me.  I think it's high time I went out and about, maybe tak a trip or 5 to Detroit, and find some cool signs, or who knows what.  I'm always open to more than I think!

a dress can't be that hard to stitch, right?

a bird themed photo idea i want to try out
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How cute for the boys' room.  Do a crayon for each of them.

another cute idea for the boys' room, for all their art projects

i have been thinking of this one for a while....different stuffed animals in meditation poses in different locations. 

I have a lot of fabric.  It isn't nearly as organized as this.  But a good idea, to stretch it like canvas and make it art.  I also just obtained a ton of really cool paper at my job (I LOVE the thrift shop!) that I was thinking of a similar idea with, but maybe framing.

these are made with cereal and other medium weight cardboard, and then fabric is sewn over.  Amazing!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Duncan!

 One year ago, I was in labor I had attributed all night to a cookout we had been to.  Greg called his aunts at about 7am to come watch Simon, and they called us about 9:30am to see if we wanted anything from McDonalds.  My water broke at 11am, and Duncan was born at 2:30 pm.  Easiest pregnancy, labor and delivery hands down.  We've had a lot of visits to nephrologist Dr. Blatt, and at first the outlook was grim...kidney transplant!!  Now, one year, several ultrasounds and scans and blood draws, not to mention other things later, we have a much brighter diagnosis.  A transplant is the last thing on our list now.  His one kidney is champing out and he is growing and thriving just amazingly well.  We love you Duncan.  Momma loves you more than you may ever know.  Happy Birthday peanut.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Friday, July 1, 2011

Oh Canada

My brother is now Canadian.  It makes for good family jokes.  We love him just the same.  Funny to me how he is the closest relative I have, distance wise, and yet I see him as often as my other relatives that still live in Wisconsin, or Minnesota. 

On another note.  I have been busy getting ready for Duncan's Birthday on July 4th.  I'm feeling anxious; all that really remains is making food, which I can't do until Sunday.  What are we going to do tomorrow?!  I have made these flag buntings which are so super cute I can hardly stand it.
And I made these ruffle streamers the other night.  Easy beasy....they were done in an hour.  And adorable taboot!
I cannot wait for the big day! How would I have known a year ago, pregnant, tired, swollen, and cranky that in a year this perfect little gentleman would come to see us, and keep us in stitches?!  More on him another day.